Leading trainings and professional development activities in diverse grassroots, educational, and nonprofit settings.
I spent over a decade in agency-based social work practice before becoming a full-time consultant and therapist in 2018. Much of my career was spent in court-based settings, where I led alternative to incarceration programs for adolescents and adults. I launched new programs and led interdisciplinary teams. My focus has always been on bringing our organizational practices and policies into greater alignment with liberatory values.
In addition to my independent consulting work, I provide clinical supervision through the Critical Therapy Institute, and the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy's Trauma Studies Center. I have taught anti-oppressive social work courses at NYU and John Jay College. I founded the RISE: Social Work to End Oppression collective, a multiracial group of radical social workers that hosted social justice conferences and convenings in the NYC-area from 2009-2013. I completed my undergraduate studies at Naropa University in Contemplative Psychology, with a concentration in Health and Healing. I received my MSW from the Silver School of Social Work at NYU, with a focus on Clinical Policy/Practice. I also completed advanced training in clinical supervision through Smith College. I have received multiple awards for my work integrating social justice values into social service work, including being honored as an emerging social work leader by the National Association of Social Workers New York City Chapter. I am a licensed clinical social worker in the state of New York. Learn more about my professional history on LinkedIn. |
In my free time I'm an active member of my local community garden, a volunteer with the City Council's participatory budgeting, a voracious reader and film lover, and can often be found on my bike or near the water. My pronouns are she/her.
Licensed Clinical Social Worker in New York (#082942)
MSW, New York University, Silver School of Social Work BA in Contemplative Psychology, Naropa University Advanced Certificate in Clinical Supervision, Smith College School of Social Work Advanced Certificate in Assessment & Diagnosis, NYU School of Social Work SIFI Certified, Field Instructor for Master of Social Work Students Critical Therapy Institute's 4-year Psychodynamic Training Program The New York Peace Institute Mediation Training Program The Lineage Project Trauma-Informed Mindfulness Program Race Forward's Racial Justice Leadership Institute The People's Institute Undoing Racism Stone Circles' Train the Trainer: Facilitating Practices of Social Change Stone Circles' Deeper Practices of Transformative Social Change Training for Social Action Trainers through Training for Change Internal Family Systems (IFS), Introductory Intensive Training Somatics for White Racial Justice Organizers, Introductory and Advanced series Clinical Somatics training and supervision with Dr. Claire Haiman |